Do you see the smile on my face? THAT is why I’m okay with a 14 minute per mile pace.
I cannot remember the last time I felt that good after a run. And it was the first time since I started the Couch to 5k program just over 5 weeks ago that I actually felt REALLY GOOD about myself after a run.
The workouts on Couch to 5k start out with a 5 minute walking warm up and a 5 minute walking cool down. So even with that I still had that 14 minute pace. And the time in between the walking? I did my intervals the whole time. Woo hoo.
When I got to the gym I wasn’t sure how things were going to go. My calves weren’t happy and I’d had a very long and boring day at the gym. But once I got past my 5 minute warm up and got to running I was feeling great. And even when I didn’t I still wanted to keep going. I was determined to keep going. And in the end I walked out of the gym with a smile on my face.
I know eventually the time I spend walking will get shorter and my time will get a bit faster. But I will never be a fast person, so I’m TOTALLY okay with this. More than okay.
THIS is why I’m doing the Couch to 5k program.
THIS is why I’m getting back into running.
And THIS is why I’m okay with my 14 minute pace.