Project Life 2013

It is no secret that I’ve had a hard time scrapbooking since my ex-husband left. I’ve done my December Photo a day albums and albums for other people, but that is pretty much it. I’ve tried to get back into it a couple of times but after just a few pages I lose the desire to do it. I’ve been trying to think of what I could do to get myself motivated again for 2013. I really do love and miss scrapbooking. Well I think I’ve figured it out!

Top 5 reasons everyone loves Project Life

Project Life!

I’ve actually been thinking about trying Project Life for awhile now. It just seems like an easy way to document your life instead of doing whole pages about certain events. Everyday life is just as important as the big stuff. Plenty of the people who’s blogs I follow did Project Life in 2012 and I thought it was awesome. If they have a bigger event that comes along that deserves more than just a picture they dedicate the whole week to that event or add in extras. It is pretty darn cool.

So when Becky Higgins was posting all over Facebook/Twitter/Instagram this week about the new Project Life products hitting amazon I started thinking about it again. I finally decided to pull the trigger last night and ordered the kit and pages I would need to get started. One of the releases from this year was called Clementine (aka ORANGE) so I had to order that one. 


I all ready have an album that these pages will fit in and I spent the morning searching Pinterest for free Project Life printables. Man there are a lot of those out there! I’ve been making notes of things that have happened over the last week and a half so that I can have last week be “week 1” and get things started. 

I am so excited about this new project for 2013! Just thinking about scrapbooking again makes me smile. And since I have that boy I told you about yesterday, it will give me even more pictures and things to add to my album. It won’t end up all being pictures of Pepper. Tee hee. 

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