I seem to have acquired a boy recently π So how did this happen you ask? Well, it was NOT thanks to Match.com that is for sure. Here is the short and sweet timeline…
- We met in May at a mutual friend’s birthday party
- We saw each other again in September for a Gator game at the same mutual friend’s house
- We started hanging out (as friends) in like October/November-ish (after I moved into my new place)
- I found out the day my Match.com subscription ran out that he was interested in being “more than friends.” We went on our first date that night π
- He met some of my friends on NYE at a party.
Ta-da! That pretty much brings us all up to speed.
Things have been going pretty well. It has been weird though, but just because it feels like an actual real relationship. The first one I’ve truly had since the divorce. So I’m just not quite sure what to do most of the time. And I think I’m just kinda worried that it will all just blow up in my face. I know that isn’t a good way to go into things and I’m trying my best to be positive about things. It is just hard sometimes.
I’m enjoying that he lives close by and it’s not half an hour or more each way to see each other. Oh, and he’s older than me. Only 2 years older, but still. I’ve never dated someone that was more than like a couple months older than me. He’s never been married and has no kids.Β He’s brought me roses twice in the last 3 weeks. This definitely isn’t something I expect or am used to, but it sure is nice. I feel like he puts me first which is kind of a change. I’m not saying that I’ve never had a guy do that, but it has definitely been awhile.
So yeah, I have a boy π Cool huh?