What an AMAZING day!

Ya know that saying “when it rains it pours?” Well usually I say that about bad things, but this week it was raining awesomeness! February decided to get off to an amazing start.

Yesterday was an AMAZING day!

First off, I found out that I made it to the final 3 in the Fitness category for the Sunshine Blog Awards. I won last year (total shock!) and I am super excited to be nominated again this year. On the days that blogging isn’t my favorite thing this award reminds me why I do it.

What an AMAZING day!

If you love my blog and would like to vote, please go here before February 29th and do so.

Second, while standing in the cereal aisle at Target I found out that I was picked to return to Team Rock N Blog for the second year. WOO HOO! Team Rock N Blog is a group of ambassadors for the Rock n Roll Marathon Series. I met some amazing people at the two races I did last year and can’t wait to do it all again this year.

What an AMAZING day!

For 2016 we are receiving a Tour Pass Global! What does this mean? Well, I can sign up for as many of their races as I want ANYWHERE in the world. How freaking awesome is that!?!? I still have no idea where I’m going to go, but I think Las Vegas and San Antonio are definitely on the list. Where would you go?

So yeah, yesterday was pretty fabulous and as I head into this weekend and half marathon #12 it reminds me why I love this crazy running world as much as I do.

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