When I stopped going to physical therapy at the beginning of October by therapist told me to wait at least 3 weeks before running and even then I was only to start out with a mile at a time. I was fine with that because I would be moving during that time and running wouldn’t really be a priority. But imagine my surprise when I realized tomorrow is the last day of November and, other than 3.5 miles of walking for a hash on Halloween, I haven’t even done 1 single mile of running. How is that even possible!?
I am running my first 5k race (post injury) on December 9th. I knew that I’d be taking it easy and potentially not even running the whole thing, but I also thought I’d have gotten a couple miles under my belt before then. So I started thinking about what I could do to prepare myself a little more for the 5k AND get myself going again so I don’t drop dead during the 10k I’m signed up for on February 2nd. Nothing really sounded overly motivating until I remembered a couple of bloggers that started doing a Mile a Day from Thanksgiving through the end of the year. Hmmm.
So here is the plan! I all ready do my Photo a Day project in December so why not try a Mile a Day project in December as well? There is a park right near my new place and one lap around the lake is just about a mile. Bingo! I’m not going to say that I’m going to RUN a mile everyday, I’m just going to LOG a mile everyday. Walking or running. Either way, it will be AT LEAST a mile a day. I’m hoping as the month progresses that it will be more than a mile a day, but the mile is a good start.
The ladies that started doing a Mile a Day on Thanksgiving have been posting pics of their shoes on their runs on instagram so I may do that as well. Accountability is key! If you want, you can follow me on instagram I’m mooshefl.
So here’s to a Photo a Day AND a Mile a Day in December. Anyone care to play along?