Local Love: A Day Away Kayak Tours

Last week I was invited to a media event with A Day Away Kayak tours. A group of local bloggers and media folks were invited to check out their Bioluminescent Kayak Tour. During the warm summer months the waters of Florida’s Indian River and Mosquito Lagoon come alive with Bioluminescence. Every movement in the water produces light! From the swirl of your paddle or the trail of a speeding school of mullet (which look like hundreds of blue-green underwater bottle rockets), to the ghostly glow of a slow moving manatee or sting ray, every movement is illumined.

Local Love: A Day Away Kayak Tours

We met at the Haulover Canal launch in Titusville to start our adventure. We took some time getting to know our guides, Elisabeth and Brian, before they started explaining everything to us. The more I thought about going out in a kayak in the dark the more scared I got. I love the water and I dont really have a problem with not being able to see what is in the water, but not being able to see whats in the water (or around me) when its dark was a completely different story. But we’d driven an hour and a half to get there and I was NOT going to chicken out.

Local Love: A Day Away Kayak Tours

Thankfully we were in two person kayaks and my friend Kelly from SeaWorld Mommy was my kayaking buddy. Having someone I know and trust on this adventure with me definitely made things easier. Around 8:15 pm we started getting into our kayaks and heading out. It took a little while to get everyone out there and next thing we knew it was dark. I mean REALLY dark. There were no lights other than the glow sticks we wore around our necks and the stars in the sky.

Local Love: A Day Away Kayak Tours

This was by far the COOLEST thing I have ever done! It is really hard to explain how amazing it was, especially since its close to impossible to get pictures of the bio doing their thing. But once you realized that every little movement made them light up, things just kept getting cooler. You could see fish darting around in the water by the blue lines they would leave behind. If you drug your paddle across the top of the water it made some amazing effects. And then if something large, like a manatee, came by… wow.

We were able to see so much on our trip – the stars, the bio, and an awesome lightning storm in the distance. My fear melted away (for the most part) and I enjoyed every minute of that 2 hour tour. Our guides made sure that we were comfortable every step of the way which really helped. Kelly and I were at the back of the pack a lot of the time and Brian was always there to point things out to us or make sure we were headed in the right direction. Thanks Brian!

GO TAKE THIS TOUR! Yup, that is the main point of this blog post. I wish I could think of better ways to explain the tours to you, but all I can say is that its AMAZING, AWESOME, INCREDIBLE, and SUPER COOL. So just go do it ok?

Tours range from $26 (for kids) to $39 (for adults on Friday or Saturday night) and its worth every penny. These bio tours only run through October, so if you want to check it out this season you should make your reservations soon.

Local Love: A Day Away Kayak Tours

Thanks to A Day Away Kayak tours, TW Squared, and the Space Coast for inviting me on this incredible trip. Thank you for exposing me to something new and helping me to face my fears.

*Disclosure. I was treated to a complimentary kayak tour, but as always my thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

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