I’m very much looking forward to the upcoming 3 day weekend that I get due to the Labor Day holiday. I have no real plans (other than watching the Gators play on Saturday) since my pup is sick and I don’t really have the money for a weekend getaway. As my bestie and I were discussing the upcoming weekend I told her how I had a long list of craft projects that I was hoping to find some motivation to do this weekend (especially since I had the supplies already for a number of them). Then she says “Craftcation?”
We started joking around about how I could fix myself a fruity drink, turn on some tunes, bust out the sunnies, and get down to crafting. The more we talked about it the more I liked the idea.
So feel free to join me on my Labor Day 2013 Craftcation!
I’ll be working on craft projects, sewing, catching up on Project Life, painting, and maybe even trying out a recipe or two from Pinterest (I mean, I only have like a million of them pinned). I’ll be posting here as much as possible over the weekend and posting pictures to Instragram as well.
What a great idea! That sounds like the best weekend ever. I look Fw to the Instagram posts, haha.
That sounds awesome! What a great idea. I look fw to the Instagram posts 🙂