Help Kick Your Coffee Habit with Hint Kick

I started drinking coffee over the past year or so and I love it. I have a cup every morning when I get to work and some times in the afternoon if i’m dragging. Sometimes you just need a little kick in the pants mid-afternoon right?

I love my coffee, but I also know that its not the best thing for me. I’ve tried cutting out coffee. I’ve tried cutting out my diet Dr Pepper. I’ve tried it all, but it usually doesn’t last very long. Sometimes you just need some caffeine. So I was very excited to hear about Hint Kick. What is Hint Kick you ask? It is Hint Water with all natural caffeine. It has 0 diet sweeteners, 0 calories, 0 preservatives, 60 mg caffeine, is vegan, gluten-free, kosher, and made from non-GMO plants.

Help Kick Your Coffee Habit with Hint Kick

I love that I can get my caffeine kick and add to my water intake all at once. And it has almost twice the caffeine as a can of coke without all the sugar and calories. How great is that?

Help Kick Your Coffee Habit with Hint Kick

Hint Kick comes in three flavors – black raspberry, apple pear, and lemon cayenne. The black raspberry has just enough flavor to give you that “this really isn’t water” feeling without it being overly sweet or fake tasting.

Help Kick Your Coffee Habit with Hint Kick

I try to keep a couple of bottles in the fridge at work for those times when I need a little kick and don’t want to have more coffee or soda. It is also great for race day! I love that I can hydrate and get some caffeine in my system without having to put all that extra crap in my system. I tend to have tummy troubles and the last thing I want on race day is a bunch of fake stuff in my tummy.

*Disclosure: Hint provided me with a case of Hint Kick for review purposes. As always, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

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