I have a lot of tank tops. I mean A LOT of them. Living in Florida I spend a large portion of the year in tank tops or other shirts that have no sleeves. It is just too hot to wear much else. Because of this large amount of tank tops I have a lot of wasted space in my dresser. So when I came across this pin on Pinterest I thought I had to give it a try. I already had a hanger (of course) and I picked up a set of 12 shower curtain hooks at the $1 store.
Ta-da! Easy right?
This project has its pros and cons for sure.
- I freed up a lot of room in my dresser
- I was able to go through my tank tops and get rid of ones I wasn’t wearing
- Now my most worn tank tops are in the closet with the rest of my clothes
- Only 12 tank tops fit on the hanger since that is all the hooks I had. This is actually good and bad.
- The hooks tend to slide around on the hanger, so if you are trying to get one off they all tend to slide to one end which makes the whole process kind of hard.
- The tank tops are pretty heavy when you have 12 of them hanging from one hanger, so the hanger droops.
So how could I make this better?
First I think I would use a heavier duty hanger. I just used one I had on hand and that is fine for now. Second I think I would put something on the hanger to keep the hooks from sliding as much. Maybe a felt covered hanger like the one in the original pin would work? Or maybe wrapping some foam around the hanger would help.
All in all I think this project was a success. It was really nice when I was getting dressed this morning and realized I needed a tank top to go under my sweatshirt and it was already in the closet. If I decide to do this again or add another hanger of tank tops I think I will try my updates, but for now this is perfect.

Look at you, Crafty Girl! Looks like I need to work on my spring cleaning and purging of the closet again! 😉