CMYE: Hemingway’s Restaurant

What is a CMYE you ask? A CMYE is a Community Manager Yelp Event. According to the Orlando Community Manager, a CMYE is “a great way to meet fellow yelpers – you know, those peeps whose reviews you enjoy reading so much – for friendly conversation, lots of laughs and experience new local hangouts. Positive attitudes required.” CMYE’s are free to attend, but you have to RSVP and sometimes that can be difficult. A time and date are posted when the CMYE is posted and they usually fill up right away. So if you decide to check out a CMYE make sure to RSVP right away.

I attended my first CMYE this past Friday at Hemingway’s, a restaurant at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress hotel.  I had had a horrible day at work and was really looking forward to this event. Unfortunately my horrible day continued AFTER I left work and it took me an hour and a half to get to the event… it should have taken me 30 minutes. Thank you very much I4 traffic! By the time I got to the hotel I wanted to just turn around and go home. But I listened to my bestie and put on my happy face and stayed. It did help that I was able to valet park my car when I arrived (it was free to those going to the event) AND I was handed a glass of champagne as soon as I walked in the door.

I went to the event alone and hoped to make some new friends (I did, but more on that later). When you checked in you were given two drink tickets that were good for complimentary beer or wine. They also had a “house drink” that you could get and not have to use a drink ticket (it was delish!). The bar and some tables were in one room while the food “action stations” were in another. I followed a couple fellow yelpers into the bar and grabbed myself the house drink. I deserved it and it tasted great! It was a good follow up to the champagne and a great way to start the evening.

CMYE - Hemingways - Drink

After getting my drink I decided to go over and check out the food. All of the food was at action stations, meaning that they were preparing it right there. It was all small bites which was great for tasting, but not great for carrying around when you already had a drink in one hand. Oh well, I made it work. The menu was amazing!

  • Ceviche Bar – salmon, shrimp, and beef
  • Griddled Hemingway’s Bleu Crabcake and Cheddar Grits Action Station
  • BBQ Caramelized Scallop – Piquante Pepper, Red Onion and Local Citrus Vinegar
  • Crème Brulée Action Station
  • CMYE - Hemingways - Food
  • All of the food was terrific but I have to say that the crab cake and grits were my favorite. I could have stood at that station all night and eaten crabcake after crabcake. Once I’d had my fill of regular food I decided to go ahead and get in the already growing line for the Crème Brulée Action Station. This is where I made my friends. I met two great ladies who then invited me to where they were sitting and introduced me to two more awesome ladies. The dessert line definitely improved the evening. When we finally got to the front of the line we realized that the lady at the station was actually making small individual raspberry Crème Brulée. How cool is that? The long line was worth the wait. That tiny plate with the raspberry Crème Brulée and key lime tart was the start of the show.

CMYE - Hemingways - Dessert

I enjoyed my dessert while getting to know my new friends. While we were eating they invited me to go along with them to the outlet mall when the event was over. Did you know that the outlet malls in Orlando are open until like 11 pm? Shopping from 9-11 pm at the outlets is the BEST idea ever. The best.

At the end of the event were were given this awesome towels from the hotel. They are the ones they use at their pool. And guess what? They were bright orange! I was tickled enough by our parting gifts but was super excited that they were orange. On our way out we took some time to look around the hotel and it was amazing. Someone mentioned that they had recently done a very large renovation and it showed. I’m definitely looking this hotel up the next time I want to do an Orlando staycation.

My first CMYE was an all around great experience! There was free valet parking, free alcohol and REALLY good food, a parting gift, AND I made new friends. I know it sounds cheesy, but it was everything I had hoped for and more. I’m so glad that I didn’t turn around and go home (Thanks Laura!). I’m all ready stalking the next CMYE and hoping that I get to go.

A great big thanks to the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress hotel, Hemingway’s restaurant, and Colleen – our Orlando Yelp Community Manager for a great evening!

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