Inspired by Ms Ali Edwards‘ “Around Here” post last week…
Watching lots of fall premiers on Hulu Plus. Once Upon a Time is the real winner so far with a kick-ass premier. How can I be so excited yet so angry about 41 minutes of television?
Packing up my entire apartment (and life) is way harder than it looks. Now I remember why I hate moving so much.
Paying attention to what my body tells me. I am WAY more aware since I hurt my back and know when to say when.
Listening to my heart and realizing that sometimes it knows more than my brain does.
Cooking absolutely nothing.
Waiting patiently, or not, for the keys to my new home. I can’t wait to start painting on Saturday.
Planning for the big move. That is really all I have it in me to plan right now. That’s big enough right?
Working on a slew of DIY projects for the new place. At least I’ll have things to blog about!
Loving how amazing my friends are. It is so true that you really learn who your friends are during the hard times. Loving that I’m adding new friends to the mix. And maybe, and I mean MAYBE, adding some old ones back in as well.
Reading whatever library book I pick up next. The rest of my life is wearing me out so that when I finally sit down at the end of the day my brain is too tired to read.
Using my friends and family for their strength, love, and creativity a lot lately.
Trying to focus on the NOW (my OLW for 2012). You never know how your life is going to change.