Here at Meghan On The Move we love working with brands and advertising our favorite products and services. If you are interested in working with us, here are some options:
1. Sponsored Posts
Sponsored Posts include any post on Meghan On The Move where the brand’s message/theme is required as part of the content.
Fee amount TBD after discussion regarding brand’s needs and requirements.
2. Reviews and Giveaways
A review is defined by the brand sending review product to Meghan for testing purposes. A post is then written on her experience with product details and specs included.
Statistically, posts with giveaways attached are more often shared through social media than those without. Brand holds responsibility for product fulfillment and shipping.
Giveaways must meet minimum $50 value.
3. Product Samples
Are you inquiring about sending a shipment of product for Meghan to try out? Receipt of samples does not indicate agreement for blog coverage, so please notify prior to shipping. Otherwise, your shipment may just end up being a chew toy for Pepper 🙂 Address available upon request.
4. Sidebar Advertisements
Sidebar advertisements start at $10 per month. All advertisements must fit the general views of this blog.
For more information, please feel free to contact us.
We would love to sign up for a monthly sidebar! Our business is helping other local businesses in Florida with their websites and advertising. They don’t have a lot, but just a simple link each month would be a big help for them.