Two Weeks of Self-Employment & Covid-19

Holy wow – what a two weeks it has been!

After spending my first week of unemployment at my mom’s, I came back to Orlando. I had a lot of work to do and needed to be in my own space to do so. I’m really glad that before I went to mom’s I put in the effort to get my office space set up. It feels a lot more real when I take my coffee into “the office” in the morning to get my day started.

Two Weeks of Self-Employment & Covid-19

My week started with FLBlogCon tickets going on sale. I went back and forth about starting the sale, but then realized that I probably wasn’t the only one that needed to focus on the future and something fun. I actually sold some tickets! I wish it had been more, but it is a start. I’m sure there are a lot of people that are just worried about spending the money right now. But hey, its a start right?


I spent the week working, cleaning, and getting ready for staying at home as much as possible. My county/state hasn’t issued a stay at home order yet, but it is definitely coming I think. Regardless, I want to avoid this as much as possible so I’m staying home. Plus since nothing fun is open it doesn’t make sense to just be out and about.

After my week at home I ended up heading to my mom’s for the weekend. My dad had been taking care of her all week and they both needed a break. My mom is doing MUCH better, but is still slow moving. We spent the weekend relaxing, watching some new TV shows, and reading. Before I left on Sunday I even made a Walmart run for her and my dad. I couldn’t believe that they were STILL out of toilet paper.

Two Weeks of Self-Employment & Covid-19

This week got off to a fairly good start, but then I had a crappy day yesterday and “took the afternoon off” to give myself a chance to reset and get back on track. It was just one of those days where EVERYTHING was going wrong. It all just built up and I needed a break. I got up this morning ready to take on the world and make today a good day. And how did that day start you ask? With losing my first client to this coronavirus craziness. Head. Desk. Smack. Not the way I wanted to start the day, but it could be worse right? I just have to focus on my other clients and make the most of things.

Two Weeks of Self-Employment & Covid-19

I’ve been working on a list of projects that I want to get done around the house. I mean, if I’m gonna be stuck at home for a couple more weeks then I might as well be productive. Plus, doing projects means I have something to share on the blog. We all need to keep busy and keep our mind off all the craziness right?

How are you doing during this crazy time?

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