So I’ve been hearing about this Twelve on Twelve project for awhile now. It is where you take 12 photos, of everyday life, on the 12th of each month. The idea is to do this once a month and make a scrapbook page of the 12 photos, then you will have a page for every month of the year. Great idea huh? Well unfortunately I usually forget about it until either half way through the day on the 12th or the day after (when everyone is posting their 12 photos on their blogs).
So when my bestie brought it up at the end of last month I decided to make an effort to start this project this month. So I set a reminder in Outlook for the 11th of each month, in hopes that I wouldn’t forget. Also, I felt that having Instagram and a new fancy phone would help as well. I wouldn’t feel like I had to drag around the DSLR for the day. I could just take the pics with my phone and at the very least I’d have my 12 pics there. Unfortunately, I only got 10 pictures yesterday. BUT at least I attempted it right? And being at work all day does mean a good 8 hours of my day is filled with stuff that I can’t really take pictures of. So… in case it takes me another month or so to actually do something with the photos, here are my photos for June!
1 – My first stop of the day
2 – Getting back on track with healthy eating
3 – The view on my way home
4 – back on the treadmill
5 – healthy dinner
6 – My ever growing stack of magazines (that I really need to get around to reading)
7 – cleaning up iTunes
8 – the world’s BEST roomie
9 – getting my healthy breakfast ready for the next day
10 – winding down before bed