“The Plan” – Days 4, 5 and 6

So I had to move a couple things around due to scheduling issues. I had to move running from Thursday to Friday so that I could go out on a date on Thursday. I think that is a pretty good reason right? Plus, I still ran, just on Friday instead.

The other thing on “the plan” for Thursday was to read 30 pages. Well since I had a slow afternoon at work I went way past the 30 pages. I actually finished the book. That puts me at 5 books read for May. Woo hoo!

Friday is a light day on “the plan.” I did this because I know darn well that regardless of my plans, I’m just not up for being productive at the end of a work week. So the only thing scheduled for Fridays in a blog post. Easy enough right?

Saturday is a fairly busy day on “the plan,” but only because it involves running, cleaning, AND reading. Saturday is my day for cleaning the apartment. I only have Clean Bathroom and Vacuum down because I slowly clean the rest of the apartment as I go along during the week. Washing dishes as they need washed, dusting when I notice things getting dusty, and putting things away as needed. I don’t really like clutter, at least in my main living areas, so I tend to keep that in check. Cleaning the bathroom… well I hate that. Almost as much as vacuuming. So if it didn’t end up on “the plan” I could easily see myself avoiding that chore for a couple of weeks. And that is just gross.

You may have noticed that Sunday has been left off “the plan.” This is for a number of reasons. 1 – Everyone deserves a day off right? I think it says so in the bible or something. 2 – It gives me some flexibility to cover things that don’t get done on another day. Maybe I push my Saturday run to Sunday, or decide that I need to craft some more. Either way, it gives me some flexibility to finish things off or do nothing at all. Sunday is a free for all.

Also, you may have noticed the “Notes” section at the bottom of “the plan.” These are things that I want to get done every month. Sunday also gives me a chance to tackle those activities as well.

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