Week 4 was not my favorite. I finished all of my runs and they weren’t terrible, but they weren’t great either. I just felt like I was REALLY having to dig deep to get them done.

My first run of the week felt like the longest run ever! I’ve been enjoying running outside, so I set my early alarm and headed out. About 2/3s of the way through I was done. I really just wanted to tell my Garmin to STFU and walk the rest of the way but I didn’t. It was not a great run but I got it done.

My next run was delayed for a few reasons. First off I got some TERRIBLE sleep the night before I planned to run and my brain was just on overdrive with the potential of Hurricane Dorian coming to visit. By Thursday night it was looking like it was going to come right up through Orlando which mean work prep and home prep went into overdrive. I knew I was in for a long weekend so I gave myself a pass and went back to sleep. But I got up Saturday and did my run since I needed to be up anyway. It wasn’t as bad as my run earlier in the week, but definitely not great. Sometimes running when I’m stressed out works to my benefit but apparently not this time.
The long weekend meant that I could get up early again on Sunday and still have Monday to sleep in – woo hoo! So that is exactly what I did. Unfortunately I was NOT feeling it on Sunday. For most of my run I was thinking about how I was going to tell you all about my yucky run.

When I was finished with my run I was SO very happy. I knew it wasn’t pretty, but at least I finished. Then I looked down and saw that I had run my fastest mile yet! How cool is that? This was proof that so much of what we feel during our runs is all in our heads. I know that I need to be more positive about things, but some days that just isn’t so easy.
This upcoming week is going to be a bit crazy with Hurricane Dorian still threatening Florida. I have my days to run planned out, but depending on what happens with that things my change. What are your running plans for this week?