I survived week 2 of training!
I made it through week two and I’m a happy camper! I started off week two by getting up early and running outside (yes, again!). I was actually planning to run outside the night before but the wonderful Florida storms had something else to say about that. So I decided to set my early alarm and head out again. It was hot and it was dark, but I did it. I thought I’d be dead tired by the time I went to bed that night and I wasn’t wrong. Unfortunately that didn’t automatically mean I was going to get a good nights sleep. I thought working out in the morning was supposed to help with that.

My second run of the week happened at the gym (thanks rain). And I was halfway through my run when I realized that my Garmin thought I was running outside but I was in fact inside on the treadmill. Boy did THAT confuse the GPS!

My “long run” was supposed to happen over the weekend, but between going to Tampa for a concert on Friday night and a friend visiting from out of town for the weekend it just didn’t happen. So I ended up starting week three with my last run of week two. A little confusing on the calendar, but at least I got all my runs done.

I got up early again and did my run outside. It wasn’t as hot as it has been, so that was a nice change. I did my run and still had plenty of time to get ready for work. So weird question for all of you… do you have problems with not being able to stop sweating if you take a shower right after running outside? I ran, came inside and had some water, took my shower, and by the time I had dried myself off I was sweating again. It was almost like my body had never stopped. Is this something other people deal with or am I just a weirdo?

So due to the little extension of week 2, week three is starting today! I’m heading home to see my mom for her birthday this weekend so I’ll be trying to squeeze in all my runs before I get there. I’m great about planning to run while I’m at her house and then not actually do it, so I’m going to try and avoid that this time.
Bring it on week 3!