So there was a date

Along with signing up for I also made a profile on a free dating site. I had created an account awhile back so that I could look at a friends profile and once I was done I took my profile down. Since I was getting out there with a profile on Match I decided to reactivate my free one as well.

I really haven’t gotten much attention on Yes people are checking out my profile, but very few are sending messages or even “winking.” And the few that have done either haven’t really been of interest to me. I was starting to get very frustrated when all of the sudden I got an interesting message from someone on the free site. Of course it wouldn’t be on the site I PAY for every month. Sigh. Anyway, I decided to respond to the message. He seemed great on paper and after about 2 days of writing back and forth (a lot) we decided to meet up for dinner. The first thing my mom said was “You didn’t meet for coffee first?” Well I don’t like coffee, so I’d feel a little dumb asking someone to meet up at some overpriced coffee shop where I wouldn’t even get a coffee.

Of course I can’t tell you a whole lot about him or the date (we spent 4.5 hours together talking that first night) because, well, that would just be rude. We had a really great time and have seen each other a couple of times since. He even brought me roses! He’s a really nice guy and I’m very surprised that we hit it off the way we did. Pleasantly surprised.











But of course with the good comes the bad. After seeing each other a few times last week I kinda freaked out a bit. Things were moving a bit too fast and I wasn’t sure how to handle it. While I love that he wanted to see me and we were able to see each other, it was a bit much. In the last 2 “relationships” I’ve had since the divorce I was lucky if, for the most part, I saw the guy once a week. This is also the first time that I’ve felt like there is potential for the relationship to actually go somewhere. So I just had to lay down some ground rules. I know it sounds stupid and controlling, but it seems to have worked. I haven’t seen him since last weekend and honestly, I feel a whole lot better about things. He is still just as interested, although maybe a little confused, and we are going on another date tomorrow night. The days of not seeing him have given me a chance to think things through, find out a bit more about him, and figure things out on my end. I deserve that right?

So there ya have it. I met a nice guy online, but not on Match. Oh well. My subscription is good through the middle of September (man does it suck that you can’t put it on hold), so I have it if things don’t work out here…. not that i’m saying it won’t. Just saying.

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