I really tried to relate last night’s baking endeavor to one of my simple goals, but I was having a hard time. #4 works because I was cooking… but I was ACTUALLY baking. And #1 works because I was baking… not so healthy. So what did I do last night? I made the world famous (or at least famous among people who have tried it) ‘Not Yo’ Mama’s Banana Bread.’ It is my mom’s recipe, but Just Icing uses it. You can check out a post about it here. See? Everyone loves it 🙂 I would share the recipe, but then it wouldn’t be a secret anymore. And then no one would come to Just Icing to buy it. That really doesn’t make any sense does it?
It took my mom a long time to get a banana bread recipe that was delicious and moist and… perfect. It has a super secret ingredient that makes it just right 🙂 I made it for the first time of the July 4th weekend and the three medium sized loafs were gone in less than two days. My dad’s half loaf was gone by the next morning. So last night when I opened the freezer to get some ice and saw all those bananas just hanging out I decided to bake. Amazingly enough I actually had all the ingredients on hand. Oh, so you want to know why I had bananas in my freezer? Weeeellll…. when your bananas are on their way out and you know you wont get around to eating them before they get gross, just throw them in the freezer. Yes they turn black and gross looking, but they keep just fine. Then when its time to bake you just have to defrost them and you are on your way. And since you mash them up for banana bread anyway, it works out nicely. So now you know what to do with the bananas you don’t get around to eating. Don’t trash them, freeze them!
Just beware… the bananas do look a little on the gross side once they are defrosted and peeled. But don’t fret, they are still perfectly good and delish!