As a member of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon series Rock ‘n’ Blog team I was given the opportunity to participate in 3 races during the 2015 season. I had everything planned out and then I got my new job and couldn’t do any spring races. I went back and forth about what to do and finally made my decisions. Guess what? November is going to be a BUSY month. Where am I going you ask?
First up is Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah!
I did the very first Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah 1/2 marathon and I loved it. I’m super excited to be heading back this year to not only participate in the 1/2 marathon but to also do the 5k the next day. I’ve actually never done two races in the same weekend and I’m really looking forward to it. It is going to be a whirlwind trip, but I’m really looking forward to it.
Next up is Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas!
Vegas baby, Vegas! Just 4 days later I will be hopping on a plane and heading to Las Vegas to run the strip at night. How cool is that??!! I’ve heard wonderful things about the race and the whole weekend and I just can’t wait. I’ve been told to just throw all my “normal” race prep and ideas out the window and just go with it. The race starts in the afternoon on a Sunday (1st abnormal thing) and, well, its Vegas. I’ll probably eat too much, drink too much, and get no where near enough sleep. BUT ITS VEGAS!
I still have to figure out where to stay and what all I want to do, but I’m registered for the race and that is what really matters. Sleep is overrated anyhow!
If you would like to sign up for a Rock N Roll race (or 3, or 6) in 2015, head on over to their site and make sure to use codeĀ MEGHANONTHEMOVE (not case sensitive) to save $15 per entry!
The code is good forĀ $15 off domestic marathons & half marathons which includes races in North America and Canada (Not applicable towards TourPass, 5k, 10k, 2-Person Relay, Kids Rock). Also, if you sign up more than one person at a time (say yourself and your bestie) you will get $15 off EACH person. A friend recently used my code and was super excited when it applied to both entry fees.
*Disclosure: As a member of the Rock ‘n’ Blog team I was given complimentary entry into 3 races of my choice. As always, all thoughts and opinions (and freak outs) are 100% my own.