Day 2 in Las Vegas started SUPER early! My super awesome roommate Liz, a fellow Rock N Blogger, didn’t get in until after midnight but we still had to start the weekend in proper Vegas style. We decided to pick up some fruity cocktails from Margaritaville and hang out for awhile. Unfortunately next thing we knew it was close to 2:30 in the morning and we had to call it a night.
The next day we started off with the breakfast buffet at our hotel that included unlimited mimosas. We had a full day ahead of us so it was nice to start with full bellies, and the mimosas were a nice touch as well.
We headed back to the expo for some more fun with our fellow Rock N Bloggers and a little bit of shopping. There was more photo fun and I got to meet some more of my teammates. Most of the Rock N Blog crew was running the 5k that night, so we all went our separate ways that afternoon to get ready. I decided to go along with them to the 5k and represent the Rock n Blog crew in a cheering capacity. It was fun getting to see everyone all ready for the first race of the weekend.
I wish I had signed up for the 5k because it looked like a lot of fun. They handed out these great light up sticks to everyone and it was so fun watching everyone waving them around as each corral started. Once most of the corrals got started I headed to the finish line to watch people finish. I was able to see some of our Rock N Blog crew finish, but the hoards of people and low lighting made taking pictures of them finishing close to impossible.
After the race a group of us met back up at Sushi Samba at The Venetian for dinner. I had some amazing coconut race, two sushi rolls, and a very tasty cocktail. It was a great pre-pre-race dinner and fantastic way to end the day. By the time we got back to the hotel we were ready to call it a night. The next day was race day and we had a lot to prepare for…