Rest days, er, week

When I got back from California on Monday I had decided to give myself a few days of rest. Between all the flying, the lack of sleep, and the 1/2 marathon I felt like I deserved it. Then on Tuesday the sickness kicked in and I knew that my “few days” was going to turn into at least a week. Boo.

I went to the doctor on Wednesday and hoped that the medicine combined with more rest would help get me back on track. I haven’t done much of anything this weekend (other than a few chores here and there) and it has been quite nice. Although both yesterday and today I woke up wanting to run. I guess that is part of being a runner – having to talk yourself OUT of running. Funny how on the days I need to run I sometimes I have to talk myself into it but on the days I shouldn’t run I have to talk myself out of it. Silly Meghan.

Starting tomorrow I will get myself, slowly, back on track. I have a walking date with a friend (3 miles) tomorrow and then my weekly Yoga 4 Runners class on Tuesday. Where I go from there depends on how I feel. Regardless I would like to take the yoga class at the gym on Friday. I feel like I haven’t been there in forever!

The following week I have a 10k training plan that I plan to follow for the next 6 weeks. My next 1/2 marathon won’t be until December but I wanted something to keep myself on track in the meantime. With how hard training was in the first part of the summer I KNOW that if I don’t have something to guide me I could very easily become a great big slacker for the rest of the summer. I’m even considering going to Team Challenge trainings on Saturday mornings once they get started back up in August. So we shall see.


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