California Trip – The Golden Gate Bridge

I don’t even know where to start! I had such an amazing trip to California for the Napa to Sonoma Wine Country 1/2 Marathon. We did so many amazing things, met so many amazing people, and ate so much amazing food! Think I used amazing enough there?

I’ve decided to break up my trip into a couple of posts so that this doesn’t end up being one insanely long post. And since I ended up sick when I got home (boo hiss), I am a little behind on my posting to begin with. So here we go…

On Friday, July 19th, we flew into Oakland, CA. The original plan was to fly into San Francisco, but there wasn’t a flight available that worked for us. So we flew into Oakland and would head out from there. We spent the weekend in Santa Rosa, but we made a little side trip to San Francisco on our way there…. to run the Golden Gate Bridge! My running buddy and teammate Lauren wanted to run it and I just couldn’t say no.

When we finally got to the bridge we were both freaking out. The drive from Oakland to San Francisco was a little weird since none of us knew where we were going. Once we realized that we were in fact in San Francisco we started to get excited. Then when we finally made that right hand turn that brought the bridge into view… well let’s just say Lauren let out the girliest scream I’d ever heard. We found the next available place to park and jumped out of the car!



It was cool (around 55) and VERY windy at the bridge. We took some time to take some pictures at the park where we were parked before starting up the trail that lead to the bridge. We stopped along the way to take more pictures. The trailing leading up to the bridge was good practice for our race on Sunday. Hills hills hills.



Once we were actually up on the bridge we were both in awe. You really can’t fathom just how big that bridge is until you are actually standing on it. Holy cow.


The whole run (from the car to the bridge, all the way across the bridge and back, and back to the car) was about 5 miles. We stopped a lot on the bridge to take pictures and just take in the amazing view. I think about every 1/4 mile or so one of us would say “HOLY CRAP!” or “WE ARE ON THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE!” It was pretty funny.


Describing this run is really quite difficult, which is why I think we took so many pictures. In this case a picture is worth 1,000 words. All I can say is that if you ever have the chance to visit the Golden Gate Bridge and run it (if you are a runner) – DO IT! It is SO worth it.


A special thanks to Lauren for “making” me do this. It is something I will NEVER forget.

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