New Approach to Running

So after I did my 300 Miles in 2011 post and realized just how far off from that I was, I decided that I needed a new approach. Last week I started reading Women’s Complete Guide to Running by Jeff & Barbara Galloway. In chapter 13, Training Programs for Beginning Runners, there was a 26 week Run-Walk-Run program. Since I needed some motivation, I decided that I would start this program. I’ve been running for almost a year now so I decided to start at week 5. You run or walk 6 days a week (with the day of rest being on Friday which REALLY works out for me), with 3 days running (run-walk-run) and 3 days walking. I thought at the very least it would get me out and moving 6 days out of the week so it was worth a try! Along with this new program I also decided to finally get my act together and start eating better.

So today was the end of Week 1 (er, actually Week 5 according to the plan)…

  • I did all 6 days of the training plan and I’m still alive to speak of it.
  • I completed 9.09 miles!
  • I lost THREE POUNDS!
  • I used my Nike+ Sportband this morning (because my iPod needed charging) and it was great! Kinda liked not listening to music or anything for once.
I survived the first week of the plan and I’m actually looking forward to the next week. The Savannah Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon is 5 weeks from yesterday, so I’m hoping that this will help me build up some endurance and prepare me for the race. We shall see!
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  1. sharon b says:

    Well done on the extra miles and the weight loss – what a bonus!! When you do the walk days how far do you walk and what sort of speed? I sometimes worry that my running speed is the same as some fitter people’s walking speed!! I’ve also found that not listening to music works better for me – my Itunes on phone stuck as I was midway through a run and couldn’t be bothered to stop and sort it. Found I actually ran better and listened more to what my body was telling me. Best of luck on the half marathon.

    • Meghan says:

      With the program I’m doing, you walk a certain amount of time each day instead of a certain amount of miles. I try to maintain a 4 mph pace, since both races I’m doing require you to maintain a 16 min mile. I’m a very slow runner, so I know what you mean about the fit walkers!

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