I’ve been trying to take part in Take 12 every month as a way to add more photos to Project Life. The idea is that on the 12th of each month you take 12 pictures throughout the day. Sounds easy right? Well when the 12th falls on a weekday and you spend 8+ hours of that day at work, it is a little harder than you might think. But this month I was able to get all 12 pictures in so I thought I would share them with you. One fun thing about the week I do this is that the 12 pictures (when changed to 3″x4″) take up one whole page of my Project Life layout. It is pretty cool!
1 – My new fan that I got for my bedroom! My bedroom is upstairs and it tends to get a little hot up there. I HATE running the AC all night, so this helps out a lot.
2 – Sometimes you just need to have sugary cereal for breakfast 🙂
3 – Pepper’s new trick is to lay in front of the door when she knows I’m going to leave. It makes me so sad to have to leave this sweet girl everyday.
4 – My “office”
5 – I drink a little more soda than I should, so I make myself drink 20 oz of water anytime I want a soda. Sometimes it keeps me from drinking the soda and sometimes it doesn’t. But at least it helps me drink more water.
6 – I was quite excited about this cute little cupcake. Unfortunately it was not nearly as yummy as it looked.
7 – I love when I take a picture of Pepper and she blinks. To me it looks like she is laughing at me.
8 – Pretty Little Liars is one of my guilty pleasures. I LOVE it! It was funny because I posted this picture on Instagram and ended up finding out that a bunch of my friends love it as well.
9 – Writing thank you notes for Team Challenge donations
10 – The constant mess that is Project Life. Since I work on it every week I rarely get my table totally cleaned up. I mean, whats the point? I’m just gonna drag it all out again the following week.
11 – I got this lamp (on sale) a couple months ago for my living room and I LOVE IT! I know its silly, but it makes me happy.
12 – Good night!