My name is Meghan and I love sweets!
No matter how hard I try, I just can’t get away from the sweets. Thankfully due to everything that has gone on in the last year I don’t crave sweets like I used to. Before I could eat nothing but sweets and be completely okay with it. Now… not so much. For awhile I couldn’t even stomach sweets. Just 2 or 3 M&Ms and I’d feel like I was going to be sick. I’ve gotten over that, but I’m still not the junky I used to be. BUT, I still enjoy going through the Halloween section at Target and checking out all the candy. Or wandering through the bakery at Publix on my lunch break. Or baking cupcakes and giving them all away but 2.
So this week I’ve come across two sweets that really made me smile. The first was a chocolate covered peep. I saw something about them on the Food Network, but I’d never actually seen them in a store. So when I saw them at Target I had to pick one up. Have I eaten it yet? Oh no. But it’s on my counter waiting for the moment when I AM ready to eat it.
The second wonderfully sinful sweets I found this week… Mango Key Lime pie and Chocolate Covered Key Lime pie. Oh. Em. Gee. I found these in the bakery at Publix. The fact that you could just buy an oversized slice made it VERY tempting to pick up a slice of each. But instead, I took a picture, posted it to Facebook, and walked out of the store with just a Diet Dr Pepper and two Buddy Fruits (more of those later).