Yesterday I sat down with the property manager and signed the lease on my new place!!
*insert loud cheering, clapping, and jumping around here*
I get the keys on October 6th and I will start doing things around the place and moving boxes over a carload at a time. I won’t move my furniture and myself in until October 18th. I’ve taken off 2 days so that I have a 4 day weekend to get myself settled before heading back to work.
My mom and I will definitely be painting my craft room before I move in. The plan is to paint it a color called Orange Sherbet.
Since it is a pale orange, all of my bright orange, white and black accessories will look really nice with it. If we get nothing else done, paint wise, before I move myself in we HAVE to get this one done.
I also plan to paint the little bit of walls that show in the kitchen a color called Shallow Wading Pool (which of course I can’t find online). I wanted to do this shade of blue, white and red (since all my appliances and kitchen tools are red). I can’t do the white because I don’t have white cabinets, but I still think it will look great.
We’ve also decided to paint my “new” round dining table white and then find some mismatched chairs to go with it and paint them the same color as the walls in the kitchen. There is a wall between the kitchen and the dining area, so the chairs will bring the color into that room without it being overwhelming.
I probably won’t paint anywhere else in the townhouse for the time being. I may decide down the line to paint the bathrooms or something. I can’t paint the master bathroom yet because I have no idea what colors I will be doing in the master bedroom. I’m looking forward to going shopping for a new bedspread for my room. The one I have now was given to me by someone else AND it has seen better days (aka The dog got to it with her nails), so a change will be nice.
I still have so much packing and sorting to do before the 6th, but I am super excited about the move. I’m looking forward to having a place that I can actually personalize and will feel more like it is mine.