Happy Birthday Weekend to Me!

Today is my 33rd birthday! Happy Birthday to me! Unfortunately my day started off with getting up and hour earlier than usual and heading to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned, then to work for a very busy Monday. Thankfully I was able to get some celebrating in this weekend and I have dinner plans with a friend tonight 🙂

My Saturday started out with some quality time by the pool with my book. It was crazy hot but being able to jump in the pool every few minute definitely helped out.

















After a quick shower I dropped off two bags of clothes at goodwill, picked up some books at the library, and then read a little more before getting read for a birthday dinner with friends.

















My wonderful friends Robyn & Justin hosted a little birthday gathering at their house. What’s better than homemade lasagna, cupcakes and pie?? Throw in a case of Shipyard Applehead beer and I am one HAPPY Meghan.

















Yesterday was kind of a repeat of Saturday, but with family this time. The day started out with some pool time with my momma. Then after a quick shower and change we headed to my favorite restaurant, Aunt Catfish’s, for dinner. After dinner we went back to my mom’s house for my FAVORITEST birthday cake EVER! It’s not even actually cake, its a brownie, but it is SO good.

















When I finally got home last night I curled up on the couch with my pup, a glass of wine, and my book. It was a nice relaxing weekend of celebrating with friends and family. It was just what I needed after a pretty craptastic week. Next up? Operation: Raptor in Tampa with my bestie this coming weekend. Man oh man that is gonna be fun!

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