Happy New Year!
I made a list of 32 goals for 32 after my 32nd birthday, so I wasn’t really sure that a list of New Years resolutions made a whole lot of sense. So these are just the 6 most important goals for 2012, all of which relate to one of those original 32 goals.
Focus on NOW!
I spend WAY too much time worrying about tomorrow, or what is next, and it tends to get in the way of what is going on right now. I guess I just need to live in the moment and see what comes my way 🙂
Cable Free 2012 (see goal #3 of 32)
Not only would it save me over $50 per month, it would free up a lot of time. So many days I get home and just end up plopping down in front of the tv… and then I never get up. I’m not saying I wouldn’t watch TV (like on hulu or something), I just wouldn’t have cable on the tv. I won’t get sucked in by the Food Network. Or by 3 hours of How I Met Your Mother repeats. I think it would help a lot.
Run 400 miles in 2012 (see goal #1 of 32)
I know my goal for 2011 was 300 miles and I didn’t get to it, but I know I COULD have. I all ready have a running plan scheduled for January & February. Those two months alone would bring me to almost 80 miles and that doesn’t count any walking days I have scheduled. I have a ½ marathon scheduled and I’m planning another one in the fall – so that’s another 26.2 miles there. So that’s all ready over 100 miles. I know I can run 400 miles this year and I WILL run 400 miles this year. Who wants to come along??
Get back to scrapbooking
The only scrapbooking I’ve done for this year was for someone else. I still haven’t finished 2009 or even started 2010. I just haven’t been able to get myself interested in it. But since the divorce is over and 2012 is all about “The Year of The Meghan,” I think it’s time to get back to the things I love and scrapbooking is one of them.
Read more
One of my 32 goals for 32 was to read 32 books. I started out good and read 4 in like the first 2 months, but then I haven’t read anything since then. So I’ll spend this year working towards that goal and see what happens. I love to read and think I’ll read even more without cable.
Another of my 32 goals for 32 is to take a trip by myself. I’d love to do that and take other trips, even if they are just day trips to places I’ve never been. And yet another 32 goals for 32l is to take a trip with my momma. We are talking about her coming with me to the Princess ½ Marathon in February. I know it’s not a huge trip, but it would be a really nice one. And maybe if we both have jobs and time off we can go on a REAL vacation somewhere.

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