As you may or may not have noticed from this blog, I LOVE sweets. I love to make them, I love to eat them, I love to go to new places to try them. So of course it was very easy for me to come up with the 5 Best Places for Sweet Treat for today’s Friday 5. So let’s get started!
1. The Yum Yum Cupcake Truck

Photo from the Yum Yum Cupcake Truck facebook page
I became aware of the Yum Yum Cupcake Truck last summer when I was running a local food truck event. The truck is adorable, the owners are adorable, and the cupcakes are AMAZING. Seeing them once a week for 8 months straight meant that I was eating a LOT of cupcakes. Test tasting new cupcake ideas, trying out the new flavors, and of course eating my favorites. One of the BEST things about the Yum Yum Cupcake Truck is that it is a truck… so it moves around. One day it might be close to work, another day close to home, and on another day close to a friend’s house. Much better than say a cupcake bakery that is 26+ miles from your house and will ALWAYS be 26+ miles from your house.
The Yum Yum Cupcake Truck has signature flavors that they always have, along with a flavor or two that is only available for that month. Or seasonal cupcakes, like the Orange and Cream Dream which is my all time favorite cupcake of theirs. Followed closely by the Key Slime. Of course, both of these cupcakes are seasonal which is definitely a bummer. I’d love to be able to get them all year round.
SO, if you are looking for a sweet treat and a chance to meet some fabulous folks (all their staff are amazing as well), check out their schedule online and find out where they will be next. Believe me, it will be worth it 🙂
2. Menchie’s

Picture from Menchie’s in Lake Mary’s Facebook page.
I was introduced to Menchie’s when they opened their Winter Park location (and I was still working in Winter Park). I love frozen yogurt/ice cream, and the idea of being able to dish out one of like 14 different flavors and then loading it up with whatever toppings I wanted was just great. I cannot tell you how many times I went to Menchie’s and had frozen yogurt for lunch. When I stopped working in Winter Park I was bummed about not having easy access to a Menchie’s. They ended up opening one in Lake Mary, which is much closer to my apartment, but it still isn’t overly convenient.
Usually for under $5 you (or at least I) can get a good amount of frozen yogurt loaded up with yummy toppings. They have regular, dairy free, no sugar added, and low carb options – pretty much something for everyone. They have a wide range of toppings that include nuts, candies, sauces, and tons of fruits. You could got with a cup that is totally bad for you or one that is actually pretty healthy.
They’ve also got this thing called a MySmileage card. They swipe it every time you buy something there and you get points. And once you get so many points, you get free frozen yogurt. And who doesn’t like FREE sweets?
So the next time you want a COLD tasty treat, which is like ALL the time here in Florida, check out your local Menchie’s. And don’t forget, even if you don’t live in Florida there might be one near you too.
3. Panera
I must admit that I LOVE Panera. I love their salads, their sandwiches, their iced green tea, and pretty much anything that comes out of the bakery side of their restaurants. My mom and I have been known to go in there and split a You Pick Two for lunch, just so we can also have room for a sweet treat. They have a good selection of items, so you can usually find something that fits whatever mood you are in. And one of the best things about Panera is you can pretty much find one where ever you are. Which makes tracking down a sweet treat even THAT much easier. And I am all about easy access to sweets 🙂
4. Ritter’s Frozen Custard

Picture from Ritter’s Facebook page.
Have you noticed that I like frozen treats?
There are only FOUR Ritter’s in the entire state of Florida and one of them happens to be right up the road from my mom. This is both good and bad. It is good when I’m at my mom’s and it is close by, but it is bad the rest of the time when it is a 45+ minute drive away. But I guess that is what makes it special. I can’t just have it anytime I want.
Frozen custard is… well, it is hard to explain. It is scooped like regular ice cream, but has more of a soft serve/frozen yogurt consistency. It is just one of those yummy things that you have to try for yourself. Every time my mom and I go we get the same thing – strawberry sundae with whipped cream and toasted pecans. Oh. My. Yum. It is VERY filling, so most of the time we go there for dinner. Strawberry sundaes are the perfect weekend dinner 🙂
5. Cupping Cakes

Picture from the Cupping Cakes Facebook page, taken by Patrick Dean.
Okay, so this one is a bit personal. Cupping Cakes is owned and operated by my bestie over in Tampa. She does mostly cupcakes, but also makes her own jams (which are just as delish). She has some pretty amazing cupcakes and I’m always happy to try them out for her when I visit. This weekend I’m going over for my birthday and she’s made me some Cherry Dr Pepper cupcakes. How freaking awesome does that sound?
You can find Cupping Cakes at farmer’s markets around the Tampa area. They also do special orders, for parties or even if you just want a dozen cupcakes because it is Friday. So if you are out and about in Tampa and want a tasty treat or need some cupcakes for your next party, definitely check out Cupping Cakes – you won’t be disappointed.