The extra time off I had when Hurricane Dorian was making its VERY SLOW trek up the east coast meant that I had more time to work on some of the crafty projects I wanted to get done. While I was working on the Gators yard flamingos last week I also spray painted a couple of small flamingos that I picked up from the Target dollar spot last summer. I knew I wanted to use these on my wreath so I just got it all done at one time.

Everything that I used on this project cost $1 or less! All together I think I had less than $5 invested in this project. I definitely call that a win for something that I’ll only use for part of the year. I love when I can put together a custom item for my home without spending a whole lot of money.

When I started this project I could have SWORN that I had some wide orange ribbon from another project leftover that I could use to wrap the foam wreath form. Unfortunately I was wrong. I ended up finding some orange fabric that I got from a sale bin that would work perfectly. I cut it into 1.5″ strips and wrapped it around the whole ring, securing the pieces at each end with hot glue.
Once the wreath itself was ready to do I started working on the felt flowers. I made the same kinds that I made for my summer flamingo wreath, just in orange and blue this time. The sheets of felt are usually 33 cents each at Hobby Lobby, but I got these 50% off. I was able to make all the flowers I needed for this project from a sheet of each color and I actually had a little bit left over in case I decided I needed more flowers or a different size.

After the flowers were done I moved on to the hardest part of the project – actually putting everything together on the wreath. During a random trip to Hobby Lobby on one of my extra days off I found a stuffed football in the paper crafts section that was on clearance for 74 cents. When you are looking for items for a project I suggest always looking in other departments. I knew I wanted a football for the wreath and never thought I’d find it in paper crafts, but I did.

I used hot glue on my last wreath and even with it being outside in the Florida heat everyday it held up just fine, so I went that route again this time (and only burnt my fingers one time). I put the flamingo in first, added the football, and then filled in with flowers after that.

This project can easily be changed to your favorite team colors or even made into a holiday wreath. Its amazing what a new set of colored felt can do for you!

How can I order one? I want to know if they make maroon and gold flamingos.