December Mile a Day Update #2

So here we are about 2 weeks into the month and things have been going pretty well. I haven’t run/walked every day this month, but I have covered 16.29 miles AND I ran my first race since I hurt my back. I think that is a pretty good accomplishment for the first 12 days of the month!

One of the best things about running this week, other than the race, was this…

Fastest mile

The first mile of the race on Sunday was my fastest mile ever!

I have no clue how that happened, but I’m still pretty happy about it. I think it was a combination of a few things. First race back, my family was there, I was running with a friend that was faster than me, and I was excited about the race. Granted our times were fairly awful after that but at least it helped with our overall time.

I took Monday and Tuesday off because I was a bit sore after those 3 miles on the beach but I’ll be back at it tonight. I have a walking date with a friend and we’ll be covering at least 3 miles. Those three miles will make up for the two days I didn’t walk/run a mile.

Here’s to many more miles in December!

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