Cross training? What’s that? I am SO bad at cross training. I run. And then when I feel like I need to do something else I do some yoga. Then I run some more. Cross training just isn’t something that I figured out how to do properly. There aren’t a lot of other physical activities that I enjoy, so I’ve had a hard time figuring out what to do in between running.
Recently I was invited to check out CycleBar in Winter Park. They were opening this “new to Orlando” location and I was excited to find out what it was all about. I’d heard about spinning classes before, but never had the nerve to dish out the money and try one. So this gave me the perfect opportunity to get over my fears and give cycling a chance.
CycleBar is a luxury boutique fitness franchise that offers a multisensory experience for each rider. The workout experience includes professionally engineered light and sound systems, energy-enhancing video graphics and rider-specific performance data in a state-of-the-art CycleTheatre®. The concierge-level service and exhilarating experience goes far beyond a great cardio fitness workout and is allinclusive to maintain a luxurious experience for every customer in a pay-per-class model. The CycleBar experience promises to calm the minds of riders, elevate their
mood and revive their senses.
CycleBar offers an affordable, top-of-the-line experience and is all-inclusive to maintain a luxurious experience for every customer in a pay-per-class model. Prices range from $10-16 per class, depending on the purchase of multiple class packages, special promotions, and other available discounts.
HOW DO I GET STARTED? It is actually super easy. Just go to their website,, and click the MY ACCOUNT tab in the upper left corner of the site and enter your personal information. Next, go to SCHEDULE and find a ride that works for you. You will be prompted to BUY CREDITS and select a ride package. They’ve simplified pricing and payments so you can rock your ride whenever you want to—without worrying about membership contracts or monthly fees. Instead, we feature flexible “pay-per-class” packages. The more you buy, the less each ride costs.
When you arrive at CycleBar you “check-in” via some tablets right when you walk in the door. If you are new to CycleBar they will walk you through the whole process – check-in, getting shoes (which are included), and getting you set up with a locker. Once you change into your shoes and your stuff is safely stowed in your locker, you can grab your water and head to the studio. Oh wait, did you forget your water? No worries! They have a “hydration station” (think a beer tap with water instead) AND water bottles available.
One of CycleBar’s associates will show you to your bike (that you picked when you signed up for the class) and help you get clipped in. If you are new to cycling and clip in shoes you DEFINITELY need to ask for help that first time. It took me a little while to get used to being clipped into the bike, so I’m glad I had some time to ride a little before class started.
The CycleTheatre is a device-free zone. No texting, no social media, no calls. If you are on call (parents, doctors, super important people), you can leave your phone at the desk, and they will come get you if needed. During the “test rides” before they opened they did away with this rule so that people could share their experiences. But believe me, once the ride gets started you are too busy busting your booty to me texting or checking out Facebook.
Each ride is a little different, depending on which class and instructor you have. I ended up going to two classes and loved the both, even though I felt like the instructors were very different. These ladies know their stuff and will definitely get you pumped up and working hard in no time. The class included great music and even some mood lighting. Worried about how you look hauling ass up some hills during your workout? No worries, there is a good chance the instructor will turn down the lights so you can focus on your ride instead of the view the person behind you has of you.
So did I like the class? Yes and no. The first class I took I thought I was going to die. Being a runner I thought that I had pretty good strength in my legs, but boy was I wrong. I was worn out, shaky, and ready to just lay down on the floor for awhile. But I loved the instructor and how hyped up everyone was to be there so I vowed I would give it another shot. And I did just that about a week later. I felt WAY more prepared the second time around, a bit less shaky, and really enjoyed myself. I still have a long way to go with all aspects of this type of workout, but I definitely liked it.
I feel like this is a cross training activity that I could actually do on a regular basis and enjoy. They have some great new rider specials that I think I’m going to take advantage of. Since you can use your “credits” any time, I can buy them now and use them later.
*Disclosure: I was able to ride for free during the 10 days before the CycleBar opening. This opportunity was available to the general public. As always, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.