I decided to take advantage of my abundance of free time and work on some of the decorating projects for my craft room that I hadn’t quite gotten around too. For my birthday (last July) I got a great black, white, and orange message board. I decided to redo my craft room to match it. I switched out some lime green storage bins for some orange ones, but that’s about as far as I got. So tonight I worked on fixing that.
Awhile back (like 4 years ago) I got 2 white 12×12 scrapbook frames. I decided to use some black, white, orange scrapbook paper to make some decorations for my craft room.
It’s amazing what a little scrapbook paper and adhesive can do 🙂 Unfortunately with my white walls the frames just kinda disappear, so I may need to take them down and paint them black. We shall see. But at least for now I have some decorations up on the wall.