Countdown to BDR

When I signed up for the Best Damn Race in August I felt like it would be FOREVER before the race got here…. and here we are just 4 days out. How in the world did that happen?! How is it almost February 2013? I think someone needs to hit the pause button around here!

The race on Saturday, as I mentioned before, was kinda a make it or break it point for me. I really needed that race to go well and remind me that I CAN do this. That I can be a runner. When I had my knee problems mid-week I was just a mess. In between crying, phone calls to the doctor, and napping I just kept thinking ‘REALLY?! THIS WEEK?!’ I really didn’t think the race was going to happen for me. And I DEFINITELY didn’t think the race would be a PR, but it was. It was a great race and a great day. So great that I got up the next morning, when I couldn’t sleep, and went for a run. I know it wasn’t much, but seeing this on for last week made me smile.

1-21 - 1-27

Hooray for 8 miles on a week where my knee wasn’t even working for the mid-part of the week!

So I woke up yesterday pretty damn (ha ha) excited about this week. It meant a short work week (which is always good), time with my girls, a new race, and pampering at the spa. What isn’t there to be excited about?

Now I just have to hope that I don’t collapse halfway through the 10k. Well, I know I can survive the first 5k, it is the 2nd that I’m worried about. But the weather is supposed to be very nice, we’ll be running along the water, and my girls will be out there to cheer me on. Have I mentioned how awesome it was having someone out there waiting for me at the finish line last weekend? Well it was totally awesome! And I’m looking forward to having that again this weekend, with some funny signs and pictures at around the halfway mark to get me motivated for that second half. Let’s just hope Ryan Gosling really IS waiting at the finish line for me 🙂

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