As the state of Florida, along with many others, starts to reopen I find myself VERY nervous. So far I haven’t changed the way I’m living. I’m still avoiding stores and restaurants, I’m still wearing a mask when I leave the house, and I’m still being a bit of a clean freak. Do I wanna go wander around Home Goods? Do I want to go sit in a restaurant with my friends? Do I want things to go back to normal? Yes, yes, and yes. I’m just not comfortable with those things yet.
I’ve been at my mom’s since Friday (after spending 2 weeks not going anywhere) and we’ve been out twice to run errands. Into the store for what we needed and right back out. I was shocked, and a bit scared, by the number of people not wearing masks. I was happy to see that the store employees were wearing masks, but there were so few customers with masks. The only way this reopening is going to work is if people continue to be safe. Unfortunately, it seems like most people saw the lifting of stay at home orders as a free pass to do whatever. That isn’t how this works people!
It makes me angry because both of my parents live alone and they can only avoid grocery stores and such for so long. I don’t want to be scared to death every time my parents leave the house.

I continued with my workouts at home last week, but I’ve taken a little break while here with my mom. I have been going on walks with her twice a day with the dog though. I just needed a little break the last couple days I guess. I’ll get back to it when I return home I’m sure.

I’ve enjoyed being around my parents’ dogs this week. They are cute and crazy and it is fun to see that they aren’t affected by all this. They get more time with their people and more walks, so it really has been the best thing ever for them.

On Friday I received my first delivery from Dinner A’Fare, a meal kit delivery service out of the Atlanta area. They send you everything to need to make a meal (and everything is cut, measured, mixed already), AND you can ever through them in the freezer until you are ready to cook them later. My meals were made for 2-3 people, so I brought a couple of them to my mom’s to make. They were super easy and delicious. I’ll be sharing more about them, along with a full review, soon.

Work is staying pretty busy and I’m happy to say that even though I’ve lost a few clients since this started, I’ve also had them replaced with more clients. Its pretty awesome that even with everything going on that I’m able to continue working and growing my business. Let’s hope this continues through the summer!
I’m really hoping that the number of Coronavirus cases and deaths continues to decline over the coming weeks so that I can (hopefully) start to get a little more comfortable with the idea of things getting back to “normal.”