This past Saturday was full of running firsts for me…
- First race of the season
- First race with my fellow Best Damn Race Ambassador Andrea
- First race with some of my Yelp girls
- First race representing Fit2Run as an ambassador
- First race while recovering from a 4 day migraine
On Saturday I ran the Celebration of Running 5k in Orlando. I went with 2 of my Yelp girls, my fellow BDR & Fit2Run Ambassador Andrea, and met up with some of our other Fit2Run ambassadors. I had been really excited about the race until Tuesday when I got a migraine that just wouldn’t go away. I was still fighting it on Friday, but hoped that after a trip to the doctor I would be feeling better in time for the race on Saturday. So I followed the doctors instructions and went to bed early (with my fingers crossed).
I woke up Saturday feeling pretty good so I decided to give the race a try. Maybe I could sweat out what remained of my headache? I met up with my friends and the picture taking started. First with my Yelps girls and then with my Fit2Run ambassadors. It was so fun being with so many of my running friends.
I started off with my girls and we all took off on our own. Andrea was shooting for a PR and the rest of us just wanted to finish. It was REALLY hot and humid, then you add in the migraine and I wasn’t sure how it would work out. But I started up my Garmin (loved having the watch for the race) and decided that I would run as long as I could and then switch to running 2 minutes and walking 1 minute. I did my first mile at a pretty good pace, but after that it was all downhill from there. During mile 3 I realized that there would not be a shiney new PR waiting for me at the finish, so I decided to slow things down. I finished in a reasonable (for me) time and was happy with that.
They switched up the course this year which I was happy about since I ran this race last summer. It included a few more “hills” than I would have liked, but it wasn’t too terrible. During races I realize just how much of Orlando I haven’t seen. I’d be running along and then all of the sudden I’d look up and not have a clue where I was. Then I’d know where I was and a few minutes later not have a clue. I did this for most of the 3.1 miles and decided that I really need to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to going out in Orlando.
One of the big draws for this race is that it is capped at 2500 runners AND you get a fabulous medal when you finish. There aren’t a lot of 5k races with big honkin’ medals, so that is a fun addition to the finish line festivities. I really loved this years medal and it looks great hanging next to its buddy from last year.
After the race we all met up at the finish line where we enjoyed an ice cold beer (yes, at 8:30 am) and some donuts. I mean, what else would you do after a race in the middle of summer? After walking around for a bit we headed to Se7en Bites for breakfast. Oh my goodness that place was amazing – but I’ll be saving that for another post.
All in all it was a great race and a great morning. I know I need to work on my running, but it felt great to finish even with the health issues i’d had during the week. AND my new shoes and my hip held up great! Just a few more weeks and I’ll be officially starting my training for my half marathon at the end of October.
What big races are you training for right now?
I am praying that I get into Orlando base because I miss running and running with you so fiercely. You make me so proud that you’re working so hard. Xoxo
Thank you 🙂 I hope you get in too hun. Having you “home” all the time would be great.