Big Hero 6 Advanced Screening

Last week I lucked out and was able to attend a Disney Parks Blog Meetup and see an advanced screening of the new Disney movie Big Hero 6. The event took place at the AMC Downtown Disney and I was pretty excited because I’d never been there before. The movie started at 11 am and they told us we could check in as early as 10 am. I met my friend Andrea there at 10 and boy am I glad you did – there was already a super long line. Thankfully it was a nice day out and standing outside for a bit wasn’t a big deal.

When we got checked in they get us coupons for a free popcorn and soda. How fun is that? We had to check out phones before heading into the theater, but not before getting a picture with the new Disney Parks Blog Orange Bird.  I had seen posts about him being at the last DPB meetup and I was super excited to see him when we walked in the door. So we grabbed a quick picture before heading into the theater to grab some seats.

HOLY COW that place was big! The theater we were in was three levels and you enter on the second level. That level was already filling up fast so we decided to head upstairs. The screen was huge, so you got a great view regardless of where you were seated. After we snagged some seats we headed back downstairs (boy did we get a stair workout) to grab our popcorn and drinks. I really wish I’d had my phone when we did this because their concession area was super cool. Its called The Marketplace and is set up more like a convenience store. There is an area with hot foods (like popcorn, nachos, etc) and once with candies, so you just grab those and had to the register. If you are getting a drink you order it there when you pay and then head over to the Coca-Cola Freestyle machine and get your drink. Even with a theater full of people getting their snacks and drinks all at the same time it was a very quick process. Two thumbs up to AMC for this one!

After getting back to our seats we only had to wait a little while before things got started. First we had a quick intro from the DPB folks, followed by some new previews and a GREAT short called Feast. Even if I hadn’t liked the movie, I still would have recommended it just for this short. I won’t give too much away but its about a super cute pup named Winston.

The movie started right on time and it was awesome. I didn’t know much about the movie going in, so I really didn’t have any idea what to think. But the characters were great (you instantly fell in love with them), the story line was amazing (and super emotional), and I really hope they make a second one! Once again I don’t want to give anything away, but make sure you stay until after the credit for a super cool treat.

After the movie we were able to retrieve our phones and we were given Big Hero 6 kites as a parting gift… except it wasn’t quite time to leave yet. We headed back into the theater via another entrance and were given the opportunity to have a picture with two of the characters from the movie – Hiro and Baymax. It was the first time the characters had been out for people to see. Pretty cool huh? They even had a Disney photographer there to take our pictures and they gave us a Photopass so that we could get a free download of the picture afterwards.

It was an all around great event and we had a lot of fun. Thanks to the Disney Park Blog for giving us a chance to see Big Hero 6 before everyone else!

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