I started Saturday off on the right foot – 2 mile run, 3 loads of laundry, dishes (washed and put away), and a shower. I was very much looking forward to the final week before the Disney’s Princess 1/2 Marathon here in Orlando. Sunday things took a turn for the worst… I woke up in an okay mood, but with NO motivation at all. I only had a walk on my training schedule, so I decided to just give myself a break. I had an appointment with my mom in the afternoon (more on that later) and then it started to happen… the itchy/scratchy throat, the headache, the overall feeling of BLAH. Are you kidding me?? The boy asked me Saturday how I was feeling because he’d had the same symptoms. I was fine on Saturday, so I guess it just took a day longer to get to me.
Yesterday I just wanted to stay in bed all day. After work I spent the evening reading, either on the couch or in bed, and then took some nyquil and was out by 9:30. My dad mentioned the high pollen when I talked to him, so I took some allergy sinus meds just in case that happened to bit it. It helped with my headache but that was about it. I feel about the same today, but the boy is full on sick and miserable. Well what does the mean for me? I don’t quite know.
There are so many possible outcomes:
- End up super sick and have no possible shot of doing the race on Sunday (also, I’d be out the fairly high race fee).
- Get better and feel fine by Sunday. But would I be okay enough to run the race?
- Not get any worse, but not get any better. Again, would I be able to race on Sunday?
- Go regardless and just walk it.
Right now I’m just kinda down in the dumps about the whole thing. My plan is to go home again tonight and just relax. Watch my shows from last night on hulu, eat some soup, and get to bed way earlier than usual.
*fingers crossed that I wake up tomorrow feeling 10 times better!*