7 Helpful Hints for Traveling with Your Dog

With summer right around the corner, I can’t help but think about doing some traveling. A lot has changed lately and I’m hoping that I’ll be able to hop in the car and see a bit more of the country this year. Of course, my trusty travel buddy Thea will be along for the ride.

7 Helpful Hints for Traveling with Your Dog

When traveling with your dog there are some additional things to keep in mind when planning and executing your getaway. I am a planner by nature, but not everyone is like me. So here are some tips for traveling with your dog.

Plan ahead.

Make sure you have all of the necessary supplies, such as food, water, a leash, and a collar. You should also get your dog’s vaccinations up to date and make sure they have a microchip.

Here are a couple of things you should make sure to pack for your dog when traveling:

  • Food and water bowls
  • A leash and collar
  • A harness or carrier
  • A blanket or bed
  • Toys and treats
  • Medications, if any
  • First-aid kit
  • Waste bags
  • Documentation (e.g., vaccination records)
  • Anything else that your dog might need, such as a special food or toy

It is also a good idea to pack a copy of your dog’s microchip information, as well as a recent photo of your dog in case they get away from you.

I have a great Mobile Dog Gear travel backpack that I always use when Thea is traveling with me, even if it is just to my mom’s for the weekend. I has room for everything, two containers for dog food, and even a travel set of bowls and a mat.

Choose the right travel destination.

When choosing a travel destination, consider whether it will be dog-friendly. Many hotels, restaurants, and attractions are now pet-friendly, but it is always best to check in advance.

Be sure to consider your dog’s needs and preferences. Some dogs are better suited for long road trips than others. And some dogs prefer to be in the city while others prefer to be in the mountains.

Doing a little research beforehand can save you and your pet a lot of stress. Check out websites dedicated to traveling with pets, like Bring Fido and Go Pet Friendly. Both websites give you the ability to search for pet friendly hotels, restaurants, stores, and attractions all over the country.

7 Helpful Hints for Traveling with Your Dog

Avoid carsickness.

If your dog is prone to carsickness, feed them a light meal before the trip and avoid giving them water in the hour before the trip. You can also give them over-the-counter motion sickness medication.

Get your dog used to the car.

If your dog is not used to car rides, start by taking them on short trips around the neighborhood. Gradually increase the length of the trips as your dog gets more comfortable.

Keep your dog safe.

If you are traveling by car, make sure your dog is properly restrained in a crate or seat belt. You should also avoid letting them stick their head out of the window, as this can be dangerous. You should also get your dog’s vaccinations up to date and make sure they have a microchip.

7 Helpful Hints for Traveling with Your Dog

Be prepared for unexpected events.

When traveling with your dog, it is always a good idea to be prepared for unexpected events. This could include anything from a lost dog to a medical emergency.

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