‘Getting back on track’ seems to be on repeat for me this year. The first three months of the year were a bit of a cluster. A very big cluster. And now that things seem to be calming down its time to get focused. I’m focusing on four goals this month to get things moving in the right direction.
Only 1 cup of coffee per day
Back in October when I went to the neurologist he asked how many cups of coffee I had a day. I told him 2-3 and he told me to stop. I laughed at him in my head, but I also knew that I needed to at least cut down. So I told myself no more than 2 per day during the week on 1 per day on the weekends. I’ve actually done pretty well with it, but I know I still need to drink less. So for the month of May I will only drink 1 cup of coffee per day. Less coffee is good for my migraines and hopefully it will help me sleep better.
No Soda!
I had gotten SO much better about the no soda thing. I don’t keep soda in the house anymore and I had stopped getting a soda on my lunch break. But this year with everything going on and my sleep being all out of whack I was finding myself drinking more and more soda. But enough is enough. All the reasons I shouldn’t be drinking coffee apply here as well, so no more!
Exercise 3 times per week
My friend Jenn came up with a training plan for me that would get me from the beginning of the year to my half marathon in April. Unfortunately just a week into the plan my grandfather landed in Hospice and passed away 5 days later. So much for that. I ran a few races, but outside of that I wasn’t running much at all. Then mid-March I found myself stuck on the bathroom floor one morning unable to move. A trip to the orthopedic doctor informed me that I had a herniated disk. Great. That took me out of commission for a couple of weeks and then my tendinitis started acting up. Seriously body?!
I ended up dropping from the 1/2 marathon to the 5k on our recent trip to Savannah (which I walked) and I’ve only done yoga once since then. So last week I decided to get a jump start on this one. I’m going to have to start slow, but ya gotta start somewhere right? I did yoga at home 2 days and then walked for half an hour on the treadmill another day. I was out of town for work and getting some time to myself after dinner was as good for my head and it was for my body.
Read a Book
Any of you that know me personally are probably laughing at this one and thinking “why would Meghan put reading on her list of goals?” Well, that’s because in the last six months I’ve only read 2 books. TWO BOOKS. When I have a lot going on its very hard for me to sit down, clear my head, and read a book. But I really miss reading. I miss having a stack of books from the library sitting on the coffee table. I miss getting so into a book that I keep telling myself “one more chapter” when I really should be in bed. So this month I’m going to read a book. I’d love to read more than that of course, but one is a good place to start.
So there you have it, my goals for getting back on track. Hopefully this will keep me on track and I won’t be writing this post again in June. Fingers crossed!