One of the things I use to decorate my two vintage Florida themed bathrooms is vintage postcards. But you can only put out/hang up so many postcards in white frames before they start to get a little boring. So yesterday I went to Michael’s in search a creative idea for how I could hang up two postcards that I’ve had sitting around for awhile. These two aren’t vintage but were made by local artists and go with the theme. Unfortunately they aren’t a “normal” postcard size so I couldn’t frame them even if I wanted too.
I started out thinking maybe I could just get a frame that was matted to hold two photos. But then I remembered their odd size and that idea was shot. Then I found these cute burlap wrapped 8×10 mat boards. They came two to a pack and were on sale for just $1.99. I realized I had some black photo corners at home from a previous and knew exactly what I should do.
Getting together my supplies was probably the longest part of this project. I needed the postcards, the mat boards, photo corners, and something to hang it with. Of course all of these things were in different places. Isn’t that always how it is when you want to do a “quick” project?
I placed the postcards on the mat board to figure out where I wanted them. Then one at a time I placed the photo corners on all four corners of the postcard and then put them back on. So easy!
Originally I thought that I would just place the framed postcards on a little shelf I have in the bathroom. They looked cute, but I something different in mind.
My half bathroom is very small and it has a sloped ceiling, so it really only has one full wall and the is where the mirror and sink are. The wall opposite the sink is the shortest and it where the toilet and the little shelf are. One of the side walls has a towel bar in the middle of it and the other has the light switch and a very unattractive wall fan. I can’t really cover up the fan so I decided to just work with it and start to fill in around it with art.
I had a piece I made at my very first Meet + Make, a spare framed postcard, and my new creation, so I had a pretty good start. A couple of tiny nails later and we have a winner ladies and gents!