Pepper’s 11th birthday would have been this Sunday, February 28th, 2016. In memory of her I asked 11 of my animal loving friends to do random acts of puppy (or kitty) love the weekend of her birthday (Feb 26 – 28). Mainly I just wanted the 11 people to do something special for the animals of the world and share about it on social media using the hashtag #RAKsForWoof.
My bestie Karen uses WoofTrax, a GPS app that tracks the mileage walked with a dog, every time she takes her new pup Zelda on a walk. You can upload pictures of each dog one chooses to walk, and you can select multiple dogs at a time. The best part is that the miles can be logged for the animal of one’s choice. Her rescue of choice on the app is South Lake Animal League in Clermont, FL where she adopted Zelda. When she met with them, they said she would need lots of exercise and that she loves walks so this works out perfectly for everyone.
My runner friend Allison was inspired to donate to her local shelter. She had some dog sweaters, dog beds, and some new toys and a crate that her dog is now too big for. The shelter is called Dogs and Cats Forever and it’s a no-kill shelter in Fort Pierce, FL. She has volunteered for them in the past and when she got my email she knew she’d be able to donate some items. How sweet is that?
Would you like to play along? Need some ideas? You could make a monetary donation to a local shelter, donate items to a shelter in need, bake treats for your friends with pups, volunteer at a shelter or with a rescue organization, foster an animal, Run a 5K that benefits animals, volunteer to walk someone’s dog that can’t do it themselves, or do something extra special for your own pets. Whatever you decide to do, please just do it with love and Pepper in your hearts.
I still haven’t decided exactly when I’m going to do for my #RAKsForWoof. This week its really hit me hard that she is gone. I go back and forth between wanting to do all the things and wanting to hide under the bed and cry – but I know that I will being doing a few things in her honor. If you want to play along, don’t forget to use the hashtag #RAKsForWoof so that I can see it 🙂

I didn’t take any pics of it, but I included it in my weekly recap.
Hope Pepper is having a wonderful birthday over the Rainbow Bridge!