Yoga 4 Runners

Back in April one of the local running stores, Fleet Feet, started a FREE Yoga 4 Runners class. The class was held on Tuesday nights and was an hour long. I had been wanting to get back to yoga, so when I saw this class I immediately signed up. The fact that it was geared towards runners made it even better.

943575_10200959095809924_869782725_nThe class was amazing! I love our teacher Claire, loved the atmosphere, loved my classmates, and just loved the class. After 2 weeks my friend Danielle started going with me. She really enjoyed it as well and when the class was about to come to an end we were both bummed. She started looking into cheap yoga classes elsewhere and I actually joined a gym. I needed somewhere to run inside in this awful Florida heat AND they had lots of classes, so it just worked out.

yoga for runners

After our last class I found out that they had decided to keep the class going for the summer. I guess they were getting a big enough turn out that they decided it was worth it. HOORAY! I’ve tried to go every week but of course there are occasions when I just can’t make it. There were a few times where I just wanted to stay on the couch, but I convinced myself to go and BOY was I glad I did. I really think the class is helping me with my running and just helping me feel good in general.

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