Vegas baby, Vegas!

You are so money and you don’t even know it!

So yeah, I am not one of those people that remembers lines from movies but that is one that I think everyone knows even if you haven’t seen the movie. Do you know where I am? Well at the exactly moment that this post goes live I will probably be in bed… in Las Vegas! Yup, I’m not sure how but the Rock N Roll Las Vegas 1/2 marathon weekend is here!

I haven’t been to Vegas in YEARS and I’ve never traveled to Vegas alone either. But I am SO excited! What do I have on the agenda for today?

First stop is the Rock N Roll Las Vegas expo. I’ll be picking up my race packet, doing a little shopping, and meeting up with the folks from Rock N Roll Marathon Series. I’m working a project with the RnR folks, but that is a secret so I can’t share what is going on just yet. But I’m going to be running the strip at night people!!!

Vegas baby, Vegas!

Next up is dinner at Il Fornaio at the New York New York hotel. I’m running a race in 2 days, so I should start card loading now right?

Vegas baby, Vegas!

And to cap off my first day in Las Vegas I will be checking out SlotZilla and ZIP LINING OVER FREEMONT STREET! I am excited and terrified all at the same time.  I mean, how cool is this?

After today I really don’t have any “plans” until my race on Sunday night. I plan to just play it by ear and do whatever the heck I want! If you know me you know that I’m a planner, so all this spontaneity isn’t normal… but its Vegas right?!

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