Have I mentioned lately that I’m a happy Meghan? Well, I am! I must admit that its been awhile since I’ve been a happy Meghan. This week I’ve been thinking a lot about what is making me happy RIGHT now and thought I’d share five of those reasons today.
1. Owning my own home
Being able to buy my own home last year is definitely the main reason that I’m a happy Meghan. I’ve been trying to buy a home for a few years now and for one reason or another I haven’t been able to. I had actually given up when my realtor called me about my house. It is so nice having a place that is all my own. I love being able to do whatever I want around and to the house. Fixing it up, finding mid-century modern furniture, and having some place to call home – it’s pretty awesome.
2. New bar cart
I know this one is a little silly, but it makes me happy. I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with my back room since I moved in. At the beginning of the year I decided to turn the room into a bar/lounge since its off the kitchen/dining area and leads to the backyard. It is a perfect party space! I’ve been looking for pieces for awhile and was tickled pink when I found this vintage mid-century modern bar cart over the weekend. I came home and as soon as it was cleaned up I loaded it up with some fun stuff.
3. Jam packed schedule
Man alive my schedule has been packed lately… and I love it! Yes I have days where I just want to lay on the couch and do nothing but watch Gilmore Girls, but most of the time I’m loving being out and about. Whether its events around Orlando, races, or travel – it is all making me very happy.
4. Ten10 Run Club
Ten10 Run Club meets once a week at Ten10 Brewery here in Orlando. Its a fun group of beer loving runners that get together to run a 2 or 3 mile loop, then meet back at the brewery for beer. Hooray beer! Its a good, and fun, motivator and I’m so glad the club was started. I know some people in the group and I think everyone has a great time.
5. Travel Plans
This is a big part of #3. Just this month alone I’m traveling 3 of the 4 weeks…. two work trips and two fun trips. So far this year my travel has been limited to around the state, but I’m headed to NYC later this month. And later this year I’ll also be traveling to Los Angeles, Savannah, Las Vegas, and San Antonio! I love that I’m in a position to be able to travel like I have been. Its been awhile since I’ve been able to swing any type of travel, so this has just been great. My blog has provided SO many opportunities and I am so lucky. So thanks to you for reading and helping out with that 🙂
What is making YOU happy right now?

I am happy that you are happy! You inspired me! I am happy because my King Charles Cavalier Spaniel is snuggled up next to me, I am watching my 2 granddaughters while they are on spring break, I am happy because it is Spring time, I am happy because I have a fabulous family and finally I am travelling somewhere each month for the next 7 months…Boston, MA, Salem, VA, Pittsburgh, PA,, Northern California wine Country, Hilton Head, SC just to name a few places#
🙂 Why isn’t Port Orange, FL on that list? Hmmmmmmm? Glad that you are happy too!
I’m happy because I’ve reached taper for my next half marathon! haha Until the taper crazies set in. 😉