During the first week of January I got a message from friend and fellow blogger Christina about the Sunshine Blog Awards informing me that I was nominated for an award. WHAT?! Come to find out, Meghan on the Move was nominated for Best Fitness Blog. How cool is that? Apparently 600+ blogs were nominated over 9 categories and they narrowed it down to the top three in each category. At that point everyone had a chance to vote for their favorite in each category.
Once I got over the initial shock of being one of those top three the reality of the situation sunk in – I was up against Meals and Miles and The Anti-Jared, both of which have been around a LOT longer than I have and are very popular. Regardless of that I started posting everywhere and anywhere asking friends, family, and complete strangers to vote for me. Voting ended at the end of January and after that I kinda forget about it. I started a new job, my grandma got sick, and then she died. I had so much on my plate that I didn’t think much about it.
The winners were to be announced at FLBlogCon’s Forum ’15 on February 15th, so I had gone ahead and gotten myself a ticket. Unfortunately that ended up being 2 days after my grandma’s funeral. I drove back to Orlando earlier in the day on the 15th but I wasn’t really sure if I would be up for going. After getting settled at the house and going back and forth about it, I decided to go. Boy am I glad I did!
The winners were announced in three batches of three in between the other events of the day. My category was announced during the second batch and I was just beside myself when I heard them announce Meghan on the Move as the winner. WHAT?! I was so excited to be surrounded by some of my great blogger friends when I got this award. I immediately took some pictures of the award and myself with the award and, of course, posted them on Instagram. Next up was texting my mom and my bestie the good news. Wow oh wow!
After that I have to admit that the rest of Forum was a bit of a blur to me. I just kept thinking “They like me, they really like me!” Lol. I know its corny, but oh so true. Sometimes when you are part of something (like blogging) that revolves around people liking you and your content, you need that validation. And its quite alright when that validation comes with a shiny new statue as well!
I really appreciate everyone who nominated this blog and then voted. I know a lot of people don’t really “get” was blogging is, but being surrounded by people that do as I got my award was just amazing. Thank you to everyone for your love, support, and patience when I take pictures of ALL THE THINGS. You all are the best!

I’m so excited for you!! Congrats!! 🙂
Thank you 🙂