If you are a runner, have you even noticed that your Garmin watch (if you have one) tells you after each run how long your recovery time should be? Well last week after my 10k it told me 3.5 days and I was MORE than happy to listen to it. My work schedule was going to be crazy between rentals at the office and then being out of town for meetings, so I was perfectly okay with putting off running for a couple of days.
The first day we were out of town for our meetings we didn’t get done until after 8 pm. It was a huge resort that would have been great to run around, but there was no way I was going to do that on my own. So I crawled into bed with a glass of red wine and decided I’d go out the next day when we wouldn’t be done as late.

On Friday our day was 5 hours of meetings followed by a golf tournament and awards dinner. It was a LONG day with a lot of sitting. By the time were done I wasn’t up for a run, but I knew a needed to get out and moving for a bit. Thankfully one of my co-workers felt the same way! We went back to our rooms to change and then decided to walk around the resort for a while. We didn’t get lost and were able to cover about 3 miles before it got dark. I felt so much better getting into bed that night with those miles under my belt. And boy did I sleep better!

This week work is crazy again (story of my life right now), but I’m hoping to get some miles in closer to the end of the week. Getting up in the mornings to run is hard enough for me and with my schedule I’d have to get up even earlier to run. Not gonna happen. Thankfully I’ve got two night time run clubs I can go to this week that will help get me motivated.
What is on your running schedule this week?