The Comeback Tour: Week 7 Training Update & Global Energy 10k

I hate to start this post on a negative note, but man alive did this week suck! My week just started out with me in a yucky mood and went more and more downhill as the week went on. Between my mood, work schedule, and the increasing suckiness of the week I didn’t run at all. It was upsetting, but I also knew that the way things were going it wasn’t going to help either. So I just made the decision to get through the week and focus on my upcoming 10k.

Thankfully I had scheduled to take Friday off and ended making an unscheduled trip over to see my momma. Mom’s make everything better! It was a short visit because I had to head back to Orlando on Saturday afternoon because my Jenn was coming to town to do the Global Energy 10k with me. If momma time and Jenn time couldn’t help me feel better, nothing would.

The Comeback Tour: Week 7 Training Update & Global Energy 10k

As per tradition, Jenn and I enjoyed some fine food and drinks after she arrived. You can never go wrong with a cocktail in a mason jar and ice cream from Kelly’s. A long day for both of us and an early wake up call for the race meant that we headed to bed early – it was fantastic! It is so wonderful having a friend that has no problem telling you that it is time for bed.

The Comeback Tour: Week 7 Training Update & Global Energy 10k

We up yesterday morning to some very fall like temps, for Florida at least, and were excited that the start of the race wouldn’t be as terrible as we’d thought. It has been miserably hot here in Orlando recently, making running outside a bit miserable. But the slightly cooler temps and a little bit of breeze was very welcome at the start of the race.

For the first 3.1 miles of the race we stuck to the intervals that I’ve been running lately. Mentally I felt pretty good about things but physically I wasn’t feeling so hot at all. My body was rebelling hardcore. It was NOT interested in those next 3.1 miles. As we approached the turn off for the 5k Jenn asked one last time if we needed to call it and I said no, I was going to finish the 10k.

The Comeback Tour: Week 7 Training Update & Global Energy 10k

I have no problem admitting that we walked 98% of the second half of that race. I wanted to finish and I wanted to finish feeling as good as possible. I knew that walking was going to help me accomplish that goal and it did. I’m super thankful that Jenn is always willing to stick by my side during a race, no matter how many times I change up the plan. Her support is amazing!

The Comeback Tour: Week 7 Training Update & Global Energy 10k

We finished the race together and enjoyed an amazing post-race grilled cheese thanks to Toasted. Let me tell you that a grilled cheese sandwich is an AMAZING post race snack.

The Comeback Tour: Week 7 Training Update & Global Energy 10k

I definitely didn’t get a PR for this race, but I didn’t finish 10+ minutes faster than my last 10k and that makes me REALLY happy. I can tell that the work I’ve put in over the last 7 weeks is really helping. Do I wish I’d been faster? Sure. Do I wish that I hadn’t walked the whole 2nd half? Or course. But I’m still proud of what I’d done over the last 7 weeks and how I did in the race. Baby steps!

The Comeback Tour: Week 7 Training Update & Global Energy 10k

I hope to be able to add some additional mileage over the next couple of weeks so that I don’t hit that wall at the 5k mark. I really want to be able to continue those intervals straight to the end of the 10k distance. Intervals are my jam and I don’t see them going away anytime soon, so I might as well make the best of them.

The next few weeks for work are a bit crazy and are totally going to screw with my running schedule, but I’m going to find a way to make it work. It may mean more days at the gym on the treadmill or running at night instead of the morning, but I’ll get it figured out.

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