Rock ‘n’ Blog 2015

About a month ago I applied to be a part of the Rock’n’ Roll Marathon Series Rock ‘n’ Blog team for 2015. I didn’t think I had a snowballs chance, but it sounded like a lot of fun so I decided to apply anyway.


It’s a team of absurdly fun people who love to share their passion for health & fitness all over the Internet. They are digital warriors spreading the word of rock, experts in making running look ridiculously fun, and masters of taking selfies.


Rock ‘n’ Blog members are part of the team for one year and their goal is to get everyone as pumped about running Rock ‘n’ Roll events as they are. From letting you know what the latest and greatest news is, hosting tweet-ups, to that high five at the finish line. The Rock ‘n’ Roll experience is about more than just race weekend and Rock ‘n’ Blog members are there every step of the way!

Sounds great right?! Well imagine my surprise when I got an email Friday night with this image in it…

Rock N Blog 2015

Welcome to the team??!! HOLY COW! I was just in shock! I was out to dinner with friends and just slid myself away from the table speechless. For awhile they thought I had seen a bug or something and were all looking at their plates and the floor. Nope, I’m just stupidly excited about being chosen for this team.

There are 100 bloggers from all over the US and Canada that were picked as part of the team. I “know” some of them through social media, some are local, and some are people that I have followed for ages. I’m still shocked that I was picked to be a part of this elite group.

Rock N Blog 2015

So what’s next? Well, I have to pick which three Rock ‘n’ Roll events I want to participate in for 2015. I have a lot on my schedule already, so it will take a bit to figure out which races I can make it to. Las Vegas is definitely at the top of the list and since its in November it gives me time to save up for a plane ticket and hotel. I was supposed to do Raleigh this year and couldn’t because of an injury, so I think I may have to pick that one as well. So that leaves me one more race to pick.

Which Rock ‘n’ Roll races would you pick for your three?

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